Why Do I Need Insurance for My Self Storage Unit

Posted on 12 July 2024 | 5 minute read

Renting a storage unit means entrusting your belongings to a third party. Self storage is an excellent solution to keep items secure during a decluttering exercise, getting through a renovation, or storing a deceased estate.

However, while a good storage facility will do everything in their power to ensure your items are returned to you in the same condition, there are always risks, and items in storage are not always covered in home and contents insurance. 

This article explores what can go wrong while your belongings are in self storage, and how insurance is the best strategy to protect you against financial loss. 

Keeping Your Stored Items Safe

Of course, one of your primary concerns is the level of security in which your goods will be kept. For example, steel shipping containers from 1800 We Store It are incredibly robust, and each facility is monitored by CCTV and advanced security systems.

While these features go a long way to keeping your items safe, nothing in life is guaranteed. Here’s why insurance is always a good idea when considering your self storage options. 

The most common types of disasters that can occur to storage units includes:

  • Accidental damage
  • Natural disasters and weather-related damage
  • Flooding and water damage
  • Fire

Accidental Damage

Despite taking every precaution, accidental damage can destroy or damage your stored items, including:

Drops: Items can get knocked over or dropped during transport or when carrying them to and from storage. Items most at risk are fragile items such as glassware, electronics, and antiques. 

Spills: Errant spills and leaks are another source of damage. A container of liquid might leak, or a lid may not have been secured properly. Drops can also cause breakages that lead to liquid damage on upholstered items, damage electronics, and ruin delicate surfaces. 

Crushing: Even the most carefully arranged items in a storage unit can be damaged by crushing, especially during transport to a storage facility. A traffic accident for example, could dislodge heavy items that crush anything they land on. 

The impact of accidental damage can range from minor dents and marks that can be easily repaired, to severe damage where items need to be replaced or discarded. 

All storage insurance policies will cover accidental damage to varying degrees, so be sure to read the fine print. For example, some policies may cover the cost of cleaning or repairs or financial compensation for items that cannot be recovered or replaced. 

Natural Disasters and Fire

While natural disasters are not the most likely source of damage, they are still a risk you need to consider when placing your most precious possessions in storage. A fire or flood can cause water damage, smoke damage, and mould outbreaks. 

Such extreme circumstances often mean that very little can be salvaged, but insurance at least protects you from the financial burden of having to replace everything out of your own pocket. 

Theft and Vandalism

Even the most secure storage facility can fall prey to theft and vandalism. Well prepared and determined thieves may target storage units when they know that the reward is worth the risk. Most storage unit insurance will have protection against loss of this type included as standard in their policies. 

Storage Unit Insurance Provides Affordable Protection 

When you work with a reliable storage service, you may think that the risks to your items are minimal. 

Cost of coverage for stored items will depend on the value of your stored items and the terms you choose, but it generally ranges from a few dollars to a few tens of dollars a month. Compared to the cost of replacing the items, the relatively minor cost can provide significant peace of mind and financial protection. 

Preventing Damage to Stored Items

While insurance is an excellent option to protect against things you can’t control, one of the best ways to ensure your items stay in one piece is to store them with care. 

Here are a few ways you can ensure all your items are returned to you in the same condition you left them:

  • Choose a reliable storage provider- 1800 We Store It has mobile and on-site storage solutions using reinforced steel shipping containers that are secure against theft, pests, and weather. 
  • Make sure your storage provider protects their property with alarm systems and CCTV
  • Properly prepare and package items using bubble wrap and sturdy cartons.
  • Ensure all items are dry and pest free before placing them in storage
  • Use plastic bins to protect against moisture and pests
  • Wrap items with felt blankets to protect against marks and scratches during transport
  • Clean and prepare whitegoods like fridges and washing machines before storing them
  • Label boxes and group items accordingly

Fortunately, accidents at storage facilities are rare, there are always risks when putting your belongings under the care of another party. With the best storage service, careful handling and packing, and the right insurance cover, you can store your belongings with confidence that you are protected against every unfortunate circumstance. 

Call 1800 We Store It and ask about how to get affordable storage and peace of mind with Carts Removals Insurance.

Terry Davison